Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hayden had a much better week. He has stopped crying 24-7. Thank you God for allowing us sometime to breathe and enjoy him! Watching Hayden in pain is one of the most difficult things that I have ever had to do. I feel so helpless and worthless. We are so glad that he is feeling better. He is having at least ten seizures a day. We are continuing to pray for “our little bit of heaven on earth” and a day without a seizure! Throughout last week, we continued to swap medicines and alternate Motrin and Tylenol. The Motrin helped with the muscle pain caused by seizures. We are still on hold from therapies until we get the seizures under control. This is a good thing! We are getting to relax a little more than usual. A well needed break from reality. I have had a lot of time to think this week. (Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing). I miss seeing Hayden smile. I got use to the daily smiles. The smiles that I did not realize would be fading away. God granted me my birthday wish by allowing him to smile again. Maybe he will grant me another smile for Valentine’s Day. If you are a parent, you see your child smile daily. Do you really appreciate each individual smile? I pray if you do not, that you start. You never know when you could see your last smile.  Do I believe that Hayden will smile again?  Absolutely, I can’t wait to see Hayden smile again one day! Oh what a glorious day it will be! I am patiently waiting!
Chubby and Silly Smile!
 Kermit the Frog Day Smile!
 A day on the beach: You can not help but smile!
 Shopping with MommY!
 A smiling puppy!
 Mommy asked for a smile for her birthday! She definitely got it!
 Hello friends: can you stop posing? I am trying to smile at Yall! Pay attention to me not the camera!

Last week, we had a very fun week. We took pictures on Friday. Literally, he was perfect! I am sure that we got one hundred great ones. We went to Cleveland on Saturday! We purchased him a spring outfit! He picked it outJ (with the help of mommy). Brent and I went out to eat Saturday night while he bonded with his Nana and Papa! My parents loved their snuggling time! Sunday, we had visitors all day! He was worn out! We started celebrating his 8 months of life Tuesday. After all it is was a week long celebration. We went to eat with Brent’s parents at Lost Dog. We did birthday lunch yesterday with my mom. We then played outside on this beautiful spring like day! We took him to Lilo’s with some of his favorite “aunts and uncles” last night. Tonight is his real celebration! He will even get a cake. More pictures to come!
                                                           A parents DREAM come true!

                                                     Mommy loves her precious little angel!
                       Hayden is saying "come on daddy, make mommy stop with all these pictures!
Nana Love
Birthday Celebration 1: Lost Dog with Nona and Pawpaw!
Birthday Celebration 2: Lillos with my friend "Aunt Lauren"
"Uncle Frank and Aunt Leathe came too"
Lastly, we would like for everyone that prays for Hayden to keep it up! We are never giving up! He is our miracle and will continue to prove us wrong. I was talking to a friend today that is going through a difficult time. I told her that Doctors are not God. Doctors are there to help us but not to tell us our future! Only God can predict how well or long we will all survive. Please add to your prayers, “Hayden’s friends.” He has a few friends that need prayers just as much as he does right now. I hope that Hayden has taught people to cherish each day like it is your last.

 We are definitely having a blast and enjoying each day with Hayden. Never a dull moment in the Casavechia household! Your prayers for our strength worked. Last week, I felt like I was the saddest person on Earth. This week, I am back to loving and enjoying every second with our bundle of joy!

Take a look below: Hayden has been a social butterfly since he feels better!
Hayden's neighbor Hunter! Hunter use to kick Hayden when his mommy held Hayden.
ChiChi will always take care of his Hayden!
Hayden has two "Girlfriends" They are his penny prayer team. Anytime they see money, they make everyone pray for Hayden! Their parents have truely raised them right!
I feel better! Thank you for your prayers!
Marley loves her Hayden!

Hayden had a much better week. He has stopped crying 24-7. Thank you God for allowing us sometime to breathe and enjoy him! Watching Hayden in pain is one of the most difficult things that I have ever had to do. I feel so helpless and worthless. We are so glad that he is feeling better. He is having at least ten seizures a day. We are continuing to pray for “our little bit of heaven on earth” and a day without a seizure! Throughout last week, we continued to swap medicines and alternate Motrin and Tylenol. The Motrin helped with the muscle pain caused by seizures. We are still on hold from therapies until we get the seizures under control. This is a good thing! We are getting to relax a little more than usual. A well needed break from reality. I have had a lot of time to think this week. (Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing). I miss seeing Hayden smile. I got use to the daily smiles. The smiles that I did not realize would be fading away. God granted me my birthday wish by allowing him to smile again. Maybe he will grant me another smile for Valentine’s Day. If you are a parent, you see your child smile daily. Do you really appreciate each individual smile? I pray if you do not, that you start. You never know when you could see your last smile.  Do I believe that Hayden will smile again?  Absolutely, I can’t wait to see Hayden smile again one day! Oh what a glorious day it will be! I am patiently waiting!
Shopping trip with Mommy!
 Acting Silly! Oh mommy loves silly smiles!
 I sure love my DADDY and MOMMY!
 A day at the beach! Oh the life, let me smile!
 Kermit the Frog fest makes me smile!
 Trick or Treat! I am a cute sweet puppy dog!
 Mommy, I hear you want a smile for your birthday! Here is your wish come true!
 Smiling for mommy's birthday! Hello can yall stop posing for the camera and look at my SMILING!
We are now patiently waiting our next SMILE!

Last week, we had a very fun week. We took pictures on Friday. Literally, he was perfect! I am sure that we got one hundred great ones. We went to Cleveland on Saturday! We purchased him a spring outfit! He picked it outJ (with the help of mommy). Brent and I went out to eat Saturday night while he bonded with his Nana and Papa! My parents loved their snuggling time! Sunday, we had visitors all day! He was worn out! We started celebrating his 8 months of life Tuesday. After all it is was a week long celebration. We went to eat with Brent’s parents at Lost Dog. We did birthday lunch yesterday with my mom. We then played outside on this beautiful spring like day! We took him to Lilo’s with some of his favorite “aunts and uncles” last night. Tonight is his real celebration! He will even get a cake. More pictures to come!
Mommy's Heart
 Looking through Daddy's heart!
 One Happy Family
 Birthday celebration 1: Lost dog with Nona and Pawpaw

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Have you ever wondered if Hayden has tried more than one medicine to stop these seizures? Does Hayden take any medicine for his seizures? Does Hayden have a feeding tube?  Does Hayden do therapy to help with delays? All of these questions are asked weekly. Hayden is on four seizure medicines and one acid reflux medicine. He also has a fifth seizure medicine that we use in case of emergency medicine. He takes a LARGE amount of each of the medications. He takes each of his medicines two times per day. We have tried almost EVERY seizure medicine possible. I have a hard time understanding how we can have 10 to 25 seizures each day with all of this medicine. What would life be like without all of the medicines??!!?? Scary thought huh????
I have one medicine that is a sprinkle. Mommy and Daddy place it in with my baby food. I am SMART! I close my mouth tight when its medicine time! I dont like bitter medicine!

Usually feeding tubes are associated with sick children. I am not here to say that Hayden will never end up on a feeding tube. I am here to tell you that at this moment we are enjoying formula and baby food. I remember being in the NICU feeding Hayden for my first time out of a “bottle.” The nurse said that I must allow Hayden to consume the two ounce bottle in a maximum of thirty minutes. He just kept falling asleep, looking at me, or lightly sucking. I was so discouraged. My first time to feed him should have been a pleasant experience. Instead, I felt like a new mom that was LOST. We came home from the hospital the following day. I had sterilized all of his DR. BROWN bottles. My FAILURE feeding was soon back. He refused to eat for me. My sister in law informed me that it took her forever to find a bottle for my nephew. She went out and bought a bunch of bottles. They were all failures! Madelyn Cook came to visit. She had the solution and gave me a new bottle out of her car. Once again FAILURE! Kelli and Clayton gave us a gift basket full of necessities at the hospital. They gave us our LIFESAVER. A medicine dropper with a nipple! He took it PERFECTLY! The only problem was that it only held a half ounce. Feeding was a two man job. Brent would feed as I would prepare more milk into the medicine dropper as it got empty. The problem was that it was too COMPLICATED. 

We settled with the NUK for a while. Feeding Hayden was not much fun! I talked to a speech therapist. She actually made me feel better about the feeding tube. We were real close to scheduling his appointment. We schedule a suck and swallow test at Batson! He past it with FLYING COLORS!!! Are you serious Katy? How could this be possible? She said he needs a thick consistency. My grandma came up with the solution that now makes feeding ENJOYABLE! (well except for when he spits it back on usJ)

Haha--- this is a joke! She really DID come up with the solution! She found a baby food feeder made by munchkin. We mix baby food and formula together to gain a thick consistency. He LOVES eating! We LOVE feeding him! Thank you MAWMAW for coming up with a way to ENJOY feeding this angel! For all the new moms out there BUY ONE OF THESE! It is great for a Healthy baby to enjoy rice bottles or baby food without have bowl and mess!
Thank you MAWMAW! I am so glad to ENJOY eating! Your AWESOME!
Hayden has been doing speech, occupational, and physically therapy for the past three months. He loves the therapist. I believe the BC, JV, and Melissa love him too! We are currently placing therapy on hold. We feel that he is wearing down from seizures. Once we get the seizures under control, we will continue! No worries though, we are still practicing at home!  

Working HARD!

We stay REALLY busy! I often get confused on times, amounts, dosages etc! We are constantly swapping and changing medications! Also, all the medicines are why we have to get blood drawn often. We have to check his levels. A special thank you to our pharmacist David Brown for keeping up with all of this for us! We spend a lot of time in the pharmacy! (We highly recommend him!) Have a blessed day! We are off to decide which outfit to wear in our pictures tomorrow J

Please continue to pray for a LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN ON EARTH FOR HAYDEN! A seizure free day feels impossible! We believe that we will prove the impossible wrong!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A SPECIAL THANK YOU (Will sum everything up and get our blog up to date)

I must say I am overwhelmed at all of the love that Brent and I have received! Sometimes people can just totally shock you with their kindness. Brent and I have received numerous calls, text messages, emails, etc. I can honestly say that the uplifting words of others are the main thing that keeps us going. I can say that we have some awesome friends. Often in public, I feel like I get the “I feel sorry for you” stares. It’s a terrible feeling. Often I try to forget the names of the people that have just “pretended like nothing is wrong”   Things are not normal and never will be normal. We have to continue walking forward, face reality, and keep on loving our earth angel.  We have received letters from churches, strangers, high school friends and many more. Deer Creek recently did a “penny wars” for Hayden and another ill child. They raised a thousand dollars for each child in one week. We were welcomed home with posters from a family that we dearly love. We have been given flowers, plants, balloons, cards, snack baskets and many more things by people we hardly know. We have had numerous visitors. We have had two “strangers” become friends as they have offered to take free photos of Hayden so that we can have these memories for the rest of our lifetime. One took pictures of my entire family a few months back. The other will be taking pictures Friday of just Hayden. I will be sure to post.  We have had preachers come to Batson to pray with Hayden. We have had many meals provided by our friends. Hayden has been asked to be a part of Batson’s miracle children and radiothon next month. During my weakest moment, I’ve had a mother message me that just lost her son to seizures. She seemed so strong and at peace. She helped me gain strength again. All of these things are overwhelming experiences that have kept us going.

I have been told that one day I will know the reason for this heartache. I feel that we are already a better person because of this heartache. All I want to do is GIVE TO THE CHILDREN IN NEED! Did you realize that children actually live in the hospitals? Children call a hospital their home. How depressing is this! We often take life for granted. We complain about the simple things in life. We stress about things that do not matter. For Hayden’s six month birthday, we decided to celebrate his life! Did he need gifts? Absolutely not! He is already spoiled and blessed. It is time to give back to others that are in need. Hayden’s entire support group gathered to celebrate and wrap gifts for three angel families and the third floor of our states ONLY children hospital! The children need activities and toys when they are stuck in the depressing hospital! If your child had to go to Blair Batson, would you want them to bring toys into the room for him/her to play with? We felt so good to give back to these children. We will definitely continue giving to our hospital. After all we are blessed to have the opportunity to give to others so we should all take advantage of it! My next goal is to start collecting movies, books, etc. for the four children that actually call Batson their home. They are paralyzed for the neck down. One of the saddest things I’ve heard in a while. I am sure they love watching movies and doing things to keep their mind off of all of their sadness. If you would like to give to Batson, please message me! I can put you in contact with Amanda Alliston. I promise you it will make your heart feel great!
·         Life is a gift; a gift from God. When you complain, you are essentially slapping God in the face. You may not see that what you say is being that big of a deal. But it is. Everyone has something to be grateful for in life. SOMETHING. Whether it be the sun shining today after the storm, or simply the gift of health.

Instead of choosing to let negativity take a foothold on your life, catch yourself and ask yourself, "What do I have to be thankful for today?" Life is harsh, cold, cruel, confusing, painful; all of the above. But it can also be much more.

Next time you want to complain, why don't you read this. You will quickly learn the true meaning of being positive, the true meaning of being faithful, the true meaning of being a Christian.
If you have any friends or family that are going through a hard time do not turn you back on them just because you don’t know what to say. I can promise you it means more than you could ever imagine. Remember you could be in their shoes of needing support yourself one day.

 Thank you to my friends and family who are walking side by side in this terrible journey! With you all things are possible, without you nothing would be possible!
Thank you Deer Creek Student Body! For a small school, yall sure come together in a time of need!
 Thank you to the many friends and family members that have sent balloons and other items to lift our spirits when Hayden has been fighting his fight!
 Thank you to "Haydens Support Group" for helping us gather toys to donate to Batson for Christmas! The cars have already been "stolen" ( Two little boys have parked them in their room) How sweet is that???
 Thank you Ashley Frazier! Your cakes are always unique and wonderful!
 Thank you to everyone for helping celebrate Haydens wonderful six months of life! It was great!
 Thank you to "Aunt Whitney" Hayden loves you so much! You keep him styling in cute clothes!
 Thank you to everyone who supports Batson. These types of suprises really brighten our day! Go BULLDOGS!
 Thank you to our second family for my first riffle! I cant wait to shoot it "AUNT LISA" Chloe and Amo have it right--- OUR LITTLE WARRIOR!

"Uncle Todd" would defintely be the one to give Hayden his first cowbell! Thank yall for all your visits to Batson and our home! We love yall!

 Thank you Aunt Kelli and Uncle C--- yall were there when I got my first EEG and you have been there everyday since! We love yall!
 A great way to spend 35 dollars and donate it to Hayden's hospital! We love our doctors and friends at Batson!
 Thank you Mrs. Cindy for taking amazing pictures that we will treasure for a lifetime! We are so blessed to have met such an awesome photographer who prayers daily for our angel! Thank you to our parents and grandparents for being our backbone!
 Brent and I are blessed beyond measures! Thank you lord for this angel!
 Thank you to our family for all the support! Hayden loves his cousin "chi chi"
 I had to add a picture with my two favorite girls! Thank you Josh and Lisa for loving Hayden like your own and allowing us the opportunity to love your girls like our own.
 Thank you to Mrs. Dana and the fam! Man oh Man you are awesome! You always know how to brighten our day whether its posters, cards, or messages! You are amazing! Simply amazing!
 Thank you to our parents for loving Hayden unconditionally, for the many days off work, the many visits and the list continues.
Thank you "Miss Holly" for coming to see me every weekend! You always bring me the best surprises!
For the MANNYYY people I left out--- Yall are all awesome! Brent and I would not be able to get out of the bed each day if it was not for such an awesome support group! We are so blessed to have such awesome family and friends!